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Jeremy Mangerchine

Old walls and tattered dumpsters tell stories about the present. Every layer of graffiti and grime amalgamates history into a portrait of now: of present experience, of culture, and of the social, religious, and political environment. The wounds inflicted by human contact and the elements over time deepens their story and accentuates their beauty; the result a victorious palimpsest. In his work, Jeremy recreates surfaces like these in vibrant, layered paintings that are raw and refined.

Jeremy’s work is about connection. It is a conversation with the wisdom of all ages and how it is experienced in times of past and present. It extracts the meaning of the past and expresses it for the current record.

His work also considers what is lost when history is condensed to a single, linear narrative and contained in monolithic monuments. Some of history is intentionally erased by power, some accidentally lost by chance. In his work, Jeremy paints the eternal wisdom that may have been deleted, ignored, or overlooked by the authors of official history.

In an age when connection seems to be more common than ever, Jeremy believes we may be fooling ourselves. During his travels to India, he experienced a culture far less connected by technology, but far more connected both spiritually and personally. This begs the question: What are we in America actually connecting to?

Jeremy’s work explores the difference between connection with something real versus connection with a facade. Can a painting connect a modern viewer with ancient wisdom, sparking a personal transformation, and igniting a desire to tell their own narrative for future generations?

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