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President & CEO

Russell A. Glotfelty

Russell A. Glotfelty

An Atlanta, Georgia native, Russell A. Glotfelty graduated from Rollins College in Winter Park with a degree in Art History and MBA in Business. For over 30 years, Russell has been a part of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Highly respected in the art industry, Russell has been published in numerous interior design and art-oriented publications as an industry expert and leader. In this phase of his renown career, Russell is thrilled to focus solely on art consulting as AXIOM’s President and CEO, which has always been a true passion of his.

Russell aspires to keep creating pleasant experiences for clients, bringing culture to residential and commercial properties, and educating the level of artwork to the community and beyond.

Russell’s admiration for the art industry and dedication to his craft have made his over 40-year career a true success.

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